Tag: wales

Environment Platform Wales at the All Wales Career Fair 2021

Environment Platform Wales will once again partner with all Welsh Universities and a host of other private and public sector organisations at the All Wales Careers Fair 2021. Hosted in tandem with GTI and Target Connect, it’s an opportunity for Welsh graduates and students to meet with employers, receive career-boosting advice and ideas for potential new and unexpected career paths. Join us! …Continue Reading Environment Platform Wales at the All Wales Career Fair 2021

Mariecia Fraser: alpacas, Aberystwyth and me

Ahead of the ‘Resilience in the Welsh Uplands – an evidence perspective’ conference 14-18th September we catch up with Aberystwyth’s Reader in Upland Agroecosystems. Meet long-term collaborator, EP Wales steering committee member and Aberystwyth IBERS staff member Mariecia Fraser, who shares the highlights of her work with Pwllpeiran Upland Research Centre, her future hopes for the Welsh uplands and the wonders of mixed grazing….Continue Reading Mariecia Fraser: alpacas, Aberystwyth and me

Weathering the storm: John Richards on flying the flag for Welsh meat

As an Environment Evidence 2020 sponsor, Industry Development Manager John Richards from Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales shares how Welsh Lamb and Beef are finding new markets, developing their brand and weathering the storm of COVID-19. …Continue Reading Weathering the storm: John Richards on flying the flag for Welsh meat

UPLAND VOICES: A farmer’s tale of life on the Uplands

As part of our Upland voices project, Mid Wales beef and sheep farmer Hywel Morgan shares the story of his family farm ar Esgairllaethdy at the foot of the Black Mountains. In this article, he outlines his concerns and worries for the future of farming and what it’s like to be a farmer in Wales in 2020. In the run-up to our Resilience in the Welsh Uplands confererence in September, we’re shining a light on seldom-heard voices currently living and working in the Welsh Uplands. Why not get involved and share your story, too? …Continue Reading UPLAND VOICES: A farmer’s tale of life on the Uplands

Upland Voices – sharing the stories of Wales’ upland communities

As part of our 2020 conference ‘Resilience of the Welsh Uplands’, we’re looking for video contributions from individuals, families and groups with a special song, a reading from a story, a poem or even a recipe to share, highighting the local history of upland areas. …Continue Reading Upland Voices – sharing the stories of Wales’ upland communities

Welsh Uplands Photography Competition – winners announced!

The winners of Environment Platform Wales’ Welsh Uplands Photography Competition have been announced ahead of the platform’s conference programme launch. The competition celebrates the life, landscape and people living or working in the Welsh Uplands, covering more than 80% of Wales. …Continue Reading Welsh Uplands Photography Competition – winners announced!

What’s new? | May news update

Read more for our May news update from the team at Environment Platform Wales to find out about our fully digital conference exerience for Environment Evidence 2020 (Resilience in the Welsh uplands), how you submit a late abstract and get involved in the online event, about our Welsh Uplands photography competition & prizes as well as all latest news, information and opportunities for members and subscribers. …Continue Reading What’s new? | May news update

Living Wales: The satellite maps which could predict our future

We meet the Aberystwyth University research chair on a mission to change the way we see, understand and react to landscape-based data. The digital data bank could change the way we legislate for, build on and use the land around us. Environment Platform Wales caught up with the professor during a flying visit to Cardiff with his research team….Continue Reading Living Wales: The satellite maps which could predict our future