All Wales Virtual Careers Fair – exhibitors and grads/students wanted! Environment Platform Wales has been working with other Welsh University Careers Services and UK’s student employability experts GTi group to deliver an ‘All Wales Virtual Careers Fair’ on March 1st (10am-3pm) and bookings for this event are open for employers and students. It’s a great way for organisations and businesses to…Continue Reading EP Wales February 2021 News update
EP Wales December 2020 News Update
Catch up with our post-conference document from our Welsh Uplands conference back in September, listen to our new podcast series and feedback to win holiday vouchers (draw to take place first week of January) and book your spot on our upcoming live webcasts discussing plant life in Wales….Continue Reading EP Wales December 2020 News Update
What’s new | December news update
* The Winter of Wonder * Read more from Environment Platform Wales in our December Newsletter Update. Election results, Our 2020 Conference date announcement, Interview with Prof Richard Lucas from Living Wales, Dates for your Diary next year…and much more. …Continue Reading What’s new | December news update
What’s new? EP Wales October news update
Find out what’s new at Environment Platform Wales in our October news roundup, including our regular instalment of opportunities, events and news updates from the world of environmental science. …Continue Reading What’s new? EP Wales October news update
What’s new? EP Wales August news update
Find out the latest news from Environment Platform Wales in our August news update – just two weeks to go to bag your sponsorship packages and delegate tickets for the Marine Evidence (Wales) conference – don’t miss out! …Continue Reading What’s new? EP Wales August news update