Insights Wales-Cipolwg Cymru- proving a hit!

Launchedin 2022, the Insights Wales talks have proved to be popular with students and academics from across Wales as well as with Natural Resources Wales and Welsh Government staff.

Additionally, many of our other partner organisations have signed up to attend and we now have over 500 people registered.

Cipolwg Cymru / Insights Wales talks are held online on Wednesday afternoons from 1:30 – 2:30pm and generally comprise of a 30-40 minute presentation(s) followed by a Q&A session with the online audience.

The talks are diverse in nature, covering a range of environmental subjects, with presenters drawn from all the Welsh academic institutions, as well as the public, private and third sectors.

The aim, as the title suggests, is to provide attendees with increased knowledge and appreciation of the fantastic research undertaken throughout Wales by various organisations, but conversely,  to provide those managing environmental challenges, with an opportunity to share their experiences, highlight the issues that they are seeking to address and seek collaboration and support from the huge community of expertise that exists.

The talks are, of course, free and will be hosted via Zoom meetings. We now have a full schedule of talks until the summer break with a full itinerary available here.

Are past talks available to view?

With the kind permission of the presenters we are able to offer links to the recordings of our past talks. So, if you miss a session you can catch up at your leisure. The recordings are available here.

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